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Maybe some port to android? :333


really hope this game gets more attention, its really high quality.


Hi, dear author Network Euphoria. I really liked your game and I would like to translate it into Russian. I'm a translator by profession, so I can translate the game into another language for free. Is there any way I can get the localisation files? Thanks in advance for the answer!


Hello and thank you for your offer! However, I can't really give an answer to translation offers yet. I want everyone involved in the project to be paid for their work and the game really isn't making enough money atm for me to start hiring help. I may contact you sometime in the future if this changes! Thank you :)


Ok, I'll look forward to your reply then! Good luck to you and your project! :D


will there be a uh... censored version? or one without the H scenes?

I like the puzzles here, even if it was just one


Most of the mainline quest gameplay will consist of puzzle/detective-esque interactions in the environment. The most I can promise for censorship would be the ability to skip it in later versions.  


is there a discord?


Yup! There's a link on the itch page.


Is this coming to Steam? It would be awesome! 


Eventually yes!

Just so everyone is aware to see both the new scenes make sure to have fun with Euphy in all of her different spots before heading to your room to finish the day. 

The second large sprite scene you can see by talking to euphy in your bedroom after the carrot game.

(The story context for the second scene will be added later)


i can now do it with my virtual furry girlfriend

(love the game, keep up the good work)


euphy is cute


That's really good ! I really like this game

Good luck on it, I hope we'll get new update soon

hey um, how do I actually play this? I can't fins a way to play it in browser and when I try to install the game nothing shows up. Would like some help please since this game seems pretty good based off reviews I've seen.

(2 edits) (+1)

couple questions will help with explaining the install/extraction process.

1: what system are you using (windows/mac/android)?

2: do you have/use an extractor like winrar or 7zip?

3: if you have extracted the files you should have a folder with the game on your device and in that folder a ".exe" icon that runs the game.

* there are occasions your anti-virus will flag the game as a threat/virus and immediately remove it because how these game types are made vs how big budget games are made.

(1 edit)

i use windows, i do not have a extractor as far as i know, and i cant even install the files to extract them even though i have downloaded other games from this site just fine

edit: it suddenly just started working, thanks for your time :)


love it and i am looking forward for new conten

Deleted post

I'd love to play the game but I'm stuck in the first puzzle, really cannot understand how to do it, I like the mechanics that's the only thing I can say for now. Been stuck there for a good amount of minutes that I'm ashamed to admit.

If someone can just hint me how the hell to know what "B J A D" translates to, I'd thank you.


NVM found it in another comment.

Look good really wana play on Android pls

When skipping dialogue for the girl im unable to use E to progress and is forced to use Enter (this only happens for the girl's dialogue)

The game design and story vision is nice in this game, I like the idea of the cybernetic future stuff.

Lookin forward to this on



i will be watching this game VERY closely

also... i figured out the puzzle easily... my only issue was that the font was hella hard to read... also...the stairs on the right that lead to a dead end after leaving the master bedroom has collision thats not supposed to be there


Is there going to be any futa stuff?


stop with the futa wtf


You stop with the kinkshaming cringe


You've made more crunches here than he has...


Hopefully no or atleast avoidable 💀


Avoidable is fine, but kinkshaming is not


it's not kinkshaming sperglord, it's called preferences

That was very well put together, overall a great game so far.


Slight spoilers ahead

Heya! As I mentioned in the bug fixing page, I did find a glitch, but sadly that is about as far as I did get. I could not figure out what the first puzzle was meant to mean with the b j a d stuff. I was unsure if i was meant to just replace the j with a c or use the 5 from the clock or what, so sadly that is as far as i have got currently since I'm just unable to figure it out. Am I doing something wrong with the letter? 

On the other note, this art style is extremely clean and the general feel of the game so far feels spooky and especially with the "shift to run" thing i wondered if i downloaded a horror game by mistake lol


Ill be adding a little text walkthrough soon for those who get stuck. But in the meantime, The chart on the second letter is supposed hint to you that every letter is associated with a number. Meaning...

B means (1) J means (9) a means (0) d means (3)

therefore the code is 1903


yeh i did think it was something like that i just think the part that confused me was that j. was there a place that you were meant to find that j number or was it just guesswork?

anyway going to quickly finish the rest ty for the help!


If you added such a thing as a hint: number-digit ++, then you shouldn’t make it so that almost all the letters that are in the hint also occur in the rebus, otherwise people look for the code not by selecting the number of the letter, but by the ratio of the written and prominent

Eventually I did manage to finish the game, yet I did run into a quite annoying glitch where only when the girl is talking to you sometimes you can't continue the dialogue and have to redo the game. Luckily, you can just go right to the door, and I found the sequence break dialogue funny. I had to repeat this a good few times though to actually get through the dialogue. To what I found, it only happened when the text manually finished itself, whilst if I just skipped it, it didn't do it.

Other than the few glitches and bugs found, I absolutely love the actual design and feel of the game, and I'm extremely excited to see more from this game! good job!

could you tell me the exact line it freezes? Are you pausing the game at all during dialogue?

sorry for the late response. It just seems to freeze at random only after the girl spawns in. It has happened on multiple lines of dialogue but only in that section. Tomorrow i can check if it freezes on some lines more often but in general just freezes there. You can access the menu and everything you just cant continue the dialogue for whatever reason meaning the game is softlocked

I may have found the culprit for this issue. Thank you for being the first person to point this out. There will be another patch sometime tomorrow that will address this and some other things my testers have found.

Epic! When the new patch is out, I will check if it still persists on my end. Just done the testing if you did need it, and it is purely just if you let the textbox finish manually after the girl spawns, then it softlocks itself. Does only seem to happen there and could not get the same issue to happen anywhere else


This is an extremely promising game! I did ran into some UI issues due to my unusual monitor resolution (16:10, 1440x900) such as the keypad not being exitable or the ending scene lacking the speed buttons due to all of them being out of the screen (I was able to check and know all of this with the help of UnityExplorer), but I've seen other people bring this up anyway. The game itself is very interesting and I am excited to see more of it. I've gotten pretty close to solving the puzzle but I struggled a lot with the "j" and still don't fully understand the logic behind the puzzle, I think this might need some tweaking. And side note: The art is seriously impressive!


i see text on the bottom even when it's supposted to disappear, it also interferes in the 18+ scene cause when i get the scene and i want to click "slow" to continue with the story then i cant because of the text icon, my Monitor is really big (2560x1440) and i would love to have it fixed so i can enjoy it even more and continue in the story, please let me know when the fix's done and ill be able to play it


also i really like pixel games so ill keep my eye on this project and see how far it goes, good luck with scripting and developing


Thank you for the feedback. A fix for different resolutions will be out soon.

The game opens up as expected, but then as it reaches the game title, the music starts playing but no buttons show up. The game seems to be functioning except that there are no buttons for me to press.

Please look into this issue, and let me know if more data is required.

Are you playing on a 1080p monitor with fullscreen? I'm thinking I forgot to enable some resolution settings for the UI.

Fullscreen yes, but it's a laptop screen of 1366x768 resolution, I think that's a pretty common size for most laptops.

im having this same issue and cant go anything


The puzzle makes no fucking sense


it makes perfect sense if you pay attention. get good scrubblorde. stop being mad and actually try to figure it out. or maybe you're single brain cell isn't strong enough for that.


This game is fucking stupid 


i personaly think this game is really good and has future in it
to make a game like that is not really easy and its not even full-version yet, there's alot to come soon and i think its also kinda pathetic to insult a game in Alpha stage...

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